Nanobody User Agreement

Nanobody projects for external user conducted at the CMI are subject to an Academic User Agreement for Nanobody Services. 

  • This user agreement incorporates both our standard core service agreement terms and an expanded MTA for the Kruse Lab Nanobody Library, including a description of the revenue sharing agreement required in the event of commercialization by the User or User Institution.
  • The User/User Institution is free to use the results of this service without restriction for research purposes, including the generation of modified compounds. However, User Institution must contact Harvard’s Office of Technology Development prior to commercialization.

Nanobody User Agreement.  

Please review the terms in the Nanobody Agreement before requesting a nanobody project. 

  • We cannot accept modification to the standard agreement terms.
  • A new agreement is required for each selection project.

Once you initiate a nanobody service request, here’s an overview of the process:

  1. The CMI Will invite you to a consultation to hear more about your project.
  2. You will complete and sign the Nanobody User Agreement Form.
    1. We cannot accept modification to the standard agreement terms.
    2. Please review project description and add your antigen name(s) (Page 1).
    3. Please add financial contact (Page 2)
    4. Please add an institution contact name and optional email address (Page 7).
    5. Please provide the three following signatures (Page 8):
      1. User Signature
      2. PI Signature
      3. Institution Signature (Signing official from your institution)
  3. Return signed agreement to the CMI for core director signature.
  4. We will return a signed copy to you and send  a copy to Harvard’s Office of Technology Development (OTD).
  5. The CMI will complete the selection campaign and deliver Results to you.
  6. You and your institution will be able to use the Results without restriction for research purposes, including creating Modified Compounds.
    1. Appendix B is completed only in the event of commercialization and not required for creation of Modified Compounds for research purposes.
  7. Prior to any Commercial Purposes:
    1. User Institution returns to Harvard (OTD) to report Modified Compounds they wish to commercialize. User Institution and OTD negotiate an appropriate revenue share for Harvard based on the structure described in 6(c).
    2. User Institution and OTD complete and sign Appendix B
    3. User Institution proceeds with commercialization of Modified Compounds
See also: nanobody, nanobodies